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DriverMax 5.8

DriverMax Editor's Review

There was always a big problem with reinstalling the OS. Because of different causes such as viruses, hardware crashes, the OS should be reinstalled. When you deal a lot with the computer, these moments become more and more boring. So you should try to find an easy and fast solution. One would be to backup your whole system, but in the end you will be overdone by the new versions of drivers and applications.

DriverMax is just a link in the whole process of installing the OS. It can backup your drivers and even gives you the ability to compare the versions you have with the ones from the internet. You don't need anymore to search for your drivers on your hard drive or to install them from different CD's. The application will export the drivers along with all the necessary information to be able to reinstall them at a certain moment. Just need to choose which one should be exported and in if it should be compressed or not. If you choose to be compressed, the application will use the ZIP format.

After reinstalling a clean copy of Windows, the application can recover all the drivers as before.

Besides the backup and recover features, the application can create also a report with all the drivers installed on your computer displaying also information such date of release and version. With the help of this report you can compare versions with the ones from the internet.

Pluses: complete report of drivers; compression in ZIP format; free; created as a wizard application;

Drawbacks / flaws:

In conclusion: A very useful and easy to use application for all the users including administrators.

version reviewed: 5.5

What's Required in Version 5.8 of DriverMax

Windows XP or Windows Vista, 10 MB free disk space

What's New in Version 5.8 of DriverMax

Driver downloads are now supported and a lot of new drivers are available.

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